Sunday, October 16, 2011

Unit 8 ePrints

I found the degree of difficulty between the installation of ePrints, Drupal and DSpace about the same. However I do think configuration of ePrints, and its customization was more complex and needlessly difficult.

I added to the Welcome message (which wasn’t difficult), and added a logo (which took three unsuccessful tries with method 1, and two tries, ultimately successful, with method 2). I tried to change the theme, although I could not see any differences between glass and green. It also took several hours to get the changes made to the subject taxonomy, but that is probably due to my inexperience in CLI.

It is rather disappointing that there are such few options for customization within ePrints. I credit Drupal with much greater choices for themes and modules. Overall ePrints seemed to have a lack of community support when compared to Drupal and DSapce, although there is plenty of documentation available on their site.

According to Wikipedia, this platform was originally created for institutional repositories and for scientific journals. Its history is tied to the development of the OAI-PMH protocol, and was one of the first open source, free software packages. My ultimate conclusion is that it is very suitable if using it for the purpose it was created—an IR or journal publishing. It however would be my second, or third choice as a repository for other item types.

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